
Hey, It’s Christin!

I am a San Diego based Christian, wife, mother, step-mom, and fitness coach. I love reading my Bible, traveling, spending time with my family and having a positive impact on the lives of others.

This site started as a travel blog, documenting my club-racing reports, and solo travel as a single, 30-something woman. Since then, God answered prayer and I married my best friend and we had a child together.

Needless to say, my life has evolved a bit since the inception of this website, but I hope you will find inspiration and/or encouragement from some of my stories.

FAWM Wellness

FAWM Wellness provides provides support for all seasons of the
Motherhood Journey, from preconception, prenatal, and postpartum
recovery and rehabilitation.

My goal is to encourage and empower women in each season of her
journey. No matter her fitness level or experience, I come alongside
women to feel her best in pregnancy and beyond.