
How many times have us single women sat and wrote out a list of qualities they want in a boyfriend/husband? He’s got to be tall, dark and handsome, he’s got to make me feel special, etc. But how many of us have a list of qualities we look for in sisters? Probably not as many.

Because we were created for relationship, it’s not really a surprise to me that I’ve been searching for companionship; a boyfriend/husband or best friend. More recently though, I’ve found myself searching for a community to fit in to. I’m looking for my squad.

I think it goes without saying that your squad would care about you and want you around, so they’d include you in social gatherings. You would be their squad, just as they are yours.

Anyhow, without further ado, these are my #squadgoals.



1. Girls I can encourage, and be encouraged by.

This is more than just a pat on the shoulder and a “go get ’em, tiger,” though that’s also desired. My squad will take the time and listen, console, encourage, and maybe even counsel me. When I find myself troubled, stressed or sad, my squad won’t laugh it off, make jokes about it or tell me I’ll get over it. My squad and I will pray for and with each other, pouring into each other life and light, and be a blessing in each other’s lives.

2. Girls I can challenge, and be challenged by.

Calling your friends out is scary. Will they take offense to it? Will they get mad at you and stop being your friend? It’s easy to call someone out on the internet, or even a stranger who couldn’t care less for repercussions. But to do it to someone who you care about and don’t want to lose is a different story. My squad and I will be honest and open with each other, telling each other what we need to hear, rather than what we want to hear, and lovingly correct each other when we’re wrong. We will hold each other accountable on the path of righteousness.

3. Girls I can trust, and can trust me.

Without trust, there is no opportunity to encourage or challenge each other. Without trust, encouragement is empty; does she mean what she says or is she just being nice? Without trust, a challenge can feel threatening; is she really concerned for my welfare or is she trying to start a fight? The same goes the other way; does she trust me to with her problems that I can be an encouragement to her? Will she take my challenge to heart? Without trust, there is nothing.

4. Girls who live out biblical femininity.

You can call these the P31 girls (Proverbs 31). She practices self-control and modesty. She is fruitful and selfless. She is wise, kind and teachable. She is trustworthy and honest, and she is led by the Word, and not the world. I stole that from another blog somewhere. But the point stands; she is a role model.

5. Girls who are proactive in their growth in the Lord. 

Walking with the Lord is more than just attending church, attending bible study or even serving in ministry. It could be a whole number of things, which I kind of touched based on in my 5 Ways To Get To Know God Better post, but it’s a special person who thirsts for the Lord and takes initiative in knowing Him better. When there’s a lapse in her usual bible study group, she’s seeking out the Lord and studying on her own (or with others). Bible study doesn’t dictate her pursuit of knowing of the Lord. “Run as fast as you can toward God, and if you find someone that can keep up, introduce yourself.”

And I, myself, strive to be the girl with these qualities as I continue my search and prayers for these girls in my life.

“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.”
– Hebrews 10:24-25


What are your squad goals?
