Every Day’s My Favorite Day

A typical week for me consists of working my Monday-Friday 9-5 (it’s actually 6:30am-3pm, but you know, whatever), Olympic lifting, and church. “Church” can mean church service, but I also include Christian fellowship, bible study and serving my youth as church as well.

Well when I say it like that, it appears my entire life revolves around Jesus and lifting… That’s okay with me. 🙂


Typically on Mondays, I would head to the gym and lift with a couple girls on the barbell team. I usually try to jam through Monday’s training so I can grab something to eat and take a shower before heading to Growth Group when we’re not on break. If we are on break, I usually lolly-gag and stretch and chat with friends, or I might go for a quick run, since I have a half-marathon on my bucket list this year.

If Growth Group isn’t on break, after training (and hopefully a meal and shower), I head to Growth Group. We get to sit down at our host’s house and go over “homework” from the week’s sermon. We fellowship, share with each other our thoughts and questions, confess and grow with one another. I think I’ve been pretty blessed with my group, in that most of us get along with each other really well and consider each other friends outside of group. Sometimes we’ll get brunch together Saturday morning or meet for drinks on some random week day.


On Tuesday nights, I look forward to lifting with the Trifecta Barbell team in the evening. Tuesday nights get pretty crowded, so I’m usually scrambling for a platform to lift on or share with. Not everyone is so keen on sharing so it can get a little stressful, even though I don’t mind lifting in the main CrossFit area.

Over the last couple of years training for a variety of things, I’ve come to realize that I hate training alone. So I really look forward to lifting with the team when I can.

Every other Tuesday before weightlifting, I get to meet with my mentor. We usually meet at Starbucks and just talk about what has transpired over the last two weeks, things I’ve been struggling with, and things to celebrate. I’m really grateful for this time together because I really feel like I’m being heard and understood when I meet with Susan, and the feedback and advice she gives me is sound and encouraging.

On the Tuesdays I don’t meet with Susan, I’ll either fill the time with coffee/dinner with a friend, or I’ll go home to relax, which as you go through this post, you’ll find down time isn’t all that common. So when I have a couple hours to sit around, I value it!


As of this post, on Wednesdays, I get to either coach a couple CrossFit classes, or go home for an entire evening of R&R, chores, or current Netflix obsession.

Typically, however, I would be meeting with my youth. I’m a youth leader at my church, and I meet with my kids on Wednesday nights.


On Thursdays, I’ll head to the gym to lift before meeting with my bible study group. Thursdays are almost the only night I have to lift by myself. The team lifts at 7pm on Thursdays, but because I have bible study at that time, I come to lift early.

I get to study the Bible (currently in Romans) with some ladies of the San Diego Young Adult Bible Study Fellowship. This includes my two “little sisters” who I love to death and to whose families I’m also close to. Sometimes I’ll meet with Taylor and Darrien for dinner before we head to study.


Fridays, like Wednesdays, I get to coach, or go home and relax. Depending on the week, I’ll come to lift straight from work. If I coach, sometimes no one shows up to the 6pm class so I get to lift with some of the guys on the team. If I do have a 6pm class to coach and the guys are still around, I’ll at least try to get the squats in and maybe a few lifts while they’re still there for the sake of not wanting wanting to lift by myself.


My Saturdays are always different and open to plans. I do typically coach every-other-Saturday morning, and I attend church on Saturday night. But the time in between depends on what I may or may not have going on with friends.

As of this post, on Sunday mornings, I get to lift with the barbell team in the morning, and “wing” the rest of the day since I already attended service Saturday night. This will change as spring arrives and I’ll probably attend youth service with my kids every other Sunday.

My weeks are usually packed, but don’t let that make you think that I have no availability. There’s always some way and ability to rearrange and schedule impromptu things like beers, coffee or dinner with friends. Or dates. Maybe. You know, whatever.

Fun fact: you make time for the things that are important to you.

Do you have a specific day of the week that you look forward to every week?
